On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 05:03:51AM -0400, Michael Tiemann wrote: > * bring in the latest and greatest free bioinformatics sw I packaged or ported a number of tools already: EMBOSS, Bioperl, Biojava, Pfaat, Artemis, Jalview, ClustalW, sim4, GBrowse, plus a lot of support Perl modules. I also have a package for T_coffee, but never heard back from the authors about redistribution, as the documentation says you need their permission first - maybe you could help there. What has held me back so far has been the lack of spare time in recent months and, to a greater extent, the absence of a more automated procedure for package submission. There was a discussion about that several months ago on this list, with Eric Raymond and others. Some seem to have started working with the "old" fedora.us process, while others like me are probably waiting for the final infrastructure to be in place. -- Rudi