Res: Open Letter: Why I, Kevin Kofler, am not rerunning for FESCo

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Unfortunately, what I have seen over time is that Fedora is changing to something that worries me and that is getting less fun to contribute. I remember the time when I liked to say that fedora was the "voice of the community".
Henrique "LonelySpooky" Junior

De: Sir Gallantmon (ニール・ゴンパ) <ngompa13@xxxxxxxxx>
Para: Development discussions related to Fedora <devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Enviadas: Domingo, 2 de Maio de 2010 22:11:21
Assunto: Re: Open Letter: Why I, Kevin Kofler, am not rerunning for FESCo

On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 7:20 PM, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

You will have noticed by now that my FESCo term is about to expire, that the
nomination period for FESCo just closed and that my name does not show up on the
list of candidates. No, this is not an accident or negligence, the decision not
to run for another term was intentional, for several reasons:

* When I ran for election a year ago, one of my reasons for running, and also
 something I made part of my campaign, was that it shouldn't always be the same
 people who are sitting on FESCo. We have a much higher number of active
 contributors than FESCo seats, so it makes sense to see some turnover
 happening. So it would be very hypocritical from me to attempt to sit another
 year on FESCo myself, now that I'm myself a FESCo "veteran".

* I have never been a committee person and have always hated sitting on
 meetings. I have done it anyway for a year because I believed it to be
 important for the good of the project. But I'm really fed up of those meetings
 (I'm feeling burned out) and prefer focusing on more practical, less political
 areas of Fedora. The fact that I don't feel my presence in those meetings
 being of much if any use (more on that later) doesn't help either.

* When looking back at what happened over the year I've been in office, I have a
 feeling that I have been able to acheive basically nothing:
 - The vast majority of votes were either unanimous or 8-1 against me. In both
   cases, my vote was entirely redundant. Even for more contested votes, my
   vote hardly ever mattered.
 - Any attempts to discuss those issues where everyone was against me went
   nowhere. In most cases, people rushed out a vote without even considering
   the real issue at hand and then shot down any discussion with "we already
   voted, we want to move on". In those few cases where there actually was a
   discussion, my position was always dismissed as being ridiculous and not
   even worth considering, my arguments, no matter how strong, were entirely
 - Basically any proposal I filed was systematically shot down. Even things
   which should be obvious such as:
   . calling GNOME by its name rather than the generic "Desktop" or
   . eliminating the useless bureaucratic red tape of FESCo ratification for
     FPC guidelines which just wastes everyone's time and constitutes pure
     process inefficiency
   got only incomprehension.
 I have come to the conclusion that it is just plain impossible for a single
 person to change FESCo's ways and that therefore I am just wasting my time

* I am very unhappy about FESCo's recent (and not so recent, which were what
 made me run in the first place) directions. The trend is steady towards
 bureaucracy and centralization:
 - Maintainers are continuously being distrusted. It all started with the
   provenpackager policy, where every single provenpackager has to be voted in
   by a FESCo majority vote, as opposed to letting any sponsor approve people
   as provenpackagers as originally planned, or just opening all our packages
   to everyone as was the case in the old Extras. From there, things pretty
   much degenerated and we're now at a point where FESCo no longer trusts
   maintainers to know when an update to the packages they maintain is stable,
   instead insisting on automatically-enforced bureaucracy which will never be
   as reliable and effective as a human. The fact that we trust our maintainers
   used to be one of the core values of the Fedora community. It has been
   replaced by control-freakiness and paranoia.
 - All the power in Fedora is being centralized into 2 major committees: the
   Board and FESCo. FESCo is responsible for a lot of things all taking up
   meeting time, leading to lengthy meetings and little time for discussion.
   Many of those things could be handled better in a more decentralized way.
   Power should be delegated to SIGs and technical committees wherever
   possible, FESCo should only handle issues where no reponsible subcommittee
   can be found or where there is disagreement among affected committees. In
   particular, I suggest that:
   . FPC guidelines should be passed directly by FPC, only concrete objections
     should get escalated to FESCo.
   . membership in packager-sponsors and provenpackager should be handled by
     the sponsors, with a process to be defined by them (my suggestion:
     provenpackager should take 1 sponsor to approve and no possibility to
     object or veto, sponsor should take 3 sponsors to approve and objections
     can be escalated to FESCo).
   . features should get approved by the responsible SIG or committee (e.g.
     FPC for RPM features, KDE SIG for KDE features etc.). The feature wrangler
     should decide on a SIG to hand the feature to for approval, or even accept
     features filed directly into "approved" by the responsible SIG, and FESCo
     would be responsible only where there is no clearly responsible SIG, or
     to arbitrate when a SIG is trying to make a change which affects other
     SIGs without their consent.
   Unfortunately, these suggestions are falling on deaf ears, in fact I filed
   the first suggestion as an official proposal (as it looked very obvious to
   me, the ratification process is pure bureaucracy) and it was shot down (also
   due to the FPC chair claiming FPC doesn't want this, despite at least 2 FPC
   members having spoken out rather favorably). I think a more decentralized
   approach (in general, not just for FPC guidelines) would be more efficient,
   more democratic, less bureaucratic and less corporate and would increase
   overall maintainer happiness by reducing the impression of the "diktat from
 - The prevailing opinion of the electorate of Fedora contributors keeps
   getting ignored. Feedback on the Fedora devel mailing list is never seen as
   in any way binding, it's often dismissed as noise or "trolling". The
   predominant opinion in FESCo is "you voted for us, now we get to do whatever
   we want", which is flawed in many ways:
   . It assumes there were true alternatives to vote for instead. This
     assumption does not look true to me.
   . It assumes the voters were aware of the positions of all the candidates.
     I'm fairly sure this was not the case. While I appreciate what has been
     done in an attempt to solve this issue (questionnaire, townhalls), this
     has proven by far insufficient to build an opinion on the candidates. I
     think there's a reason representative democracies normally work with
     parties/factions and I think something like that might help a lot,
     depending on what kind of factions would show up.
   . It assumes representative democracy is a well-working model in the first
     place, especially in its most hardcore form ("now we get to do whatever we
     want"). I believe elected representatives should really REPRESENT the
     people who voted them. I realize politicians aren't doing that, but are
     they really a good model to follow?
   I believe listening more to the feedback on the devel ML and taking it into
   account during decision-making would reduce frustration with FESCo a lot.
 - The prevailing opinion of Fedora users keeps getting ignored. See e.g. Adam
   Williamson's poll about the kind of updates users expect from Fedora, its
   clearcut majoritarian result, and FESCo and the Board both planning to do
   the exact opposite.
 - Common sense is just generally lacking, see e.g. the decision that the GNOME
   spin should continue being called "Desktop Spin", despite evidence that this
   is confusing many users, both the ones actively looking for GNOME and the
   ones who want some other desktop. And that's just one such nonsensical
   decision, the one I remember best because this is an issue I care much
 I do not wish to stand for such a committee anymore (in fact I probably should
 have resigned much earlier, as I've just been frustrated and burned out for
 more than half of the term, but I didn't because my feeling of responsibility
 was too strong) and, as pointed out before, I feel powerless to change

Therefore, I will stay in office until the end of my term, but I will not be
available for reelection. I would like to thank the people who voted for me last
year for their support and apologize to those who would have liked to vote for
me this time for not giving them this opportunity. If you would like a KDE SIG
person in FESCo, vote for Steven M. Parrish (and vote for Rex Dieter for the
Board). But if you want to see the kind of change to FESCo I'd like to see,
it'll take a faction of at least 5 people to make it happen.

       Kevin Kofler

That's too bad. I hadn't realized the political situation within Fedora had gotten so bad, though. I always liked Fedora's policy of trusting its people.... And it seems to be going away.

Though, there are some instances where the prevailing opinion should be ignored, when there is no solid evidence to back it up, e.g. Mono and the like.

Meh, sorry to see you felt so unsatisfied though. 

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