On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 09:51, José Pedro Oliveira wrote: > package(s) upsteam rawhide > ======================================= ghostscript 8.01 7.0.7 GPL Ghostscript 8.01 (from the main Ghostscript maintainers, they dropped the official GNU affiliation after 7.0.7 essentially because of disagreements with the FSF so it's no longer called GNU Ghostscript) was announced without much fanfare in February (strangely there is no release announcement on the ghostscript.com web page but there was an announcement on the mailing list [1].) I haven't tried it yet and can't vouch for how useful an upgrade this is but it can be found here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=1897&package_id=108733&release_id=214554 ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/GPL/gs801/ghostscript-8.01.tar.bz2 (Note that it's now in the GPL directory as opposed to the gnu directory of the Ghostscript FTP site.) Is the Fedora version so heavily patched that an upgrade would be difficult? (The Fedora package has certainly gone through quite a few iterations and seems to have a bunch of patches.) Cheers, Per [1] http://www.ghostscript.com/pipermail/gs-devel/2004-February/002909.html -- Per Bjornsson <perbj@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University