> 1. Full legal name > 2. Country, City > 3. Profession or Student status > 4. Company or School
Mark Richard Johnson US, Carrboro NC Profession: Technical Writer Red Hat, Inc.
> 5. Your goals in the Fedora Project > > * Which packages do you want to see published?
I would like to provide and maintain the following (mostly DocBook-related) packages for Fedora:
- docbook-html-forms - docbook-jrefentry - docbook-mathml - docbook-simple - docbook-slides - docbook-slides-demo - docbook-website - mathml-dtds - html-dtds-4.01
I package and maintain all of the above (except for html-4.01) for the Debian Project, so I could do many of the updates/bug fixes on both Fedora & Debian packages at the same time. Timeframe: a month or so.
> * Do you want to do QA?
I'd like to, but I simply don't have the time.
> * Anything else special?
> 6. Historical qualifications > > * What other projects have you worked on in the past?
I've been a Debian developer for about five years now, mostly concentrating on packaging XML & SGML resources. I also serve as editor/author of the Debian XML and SGML policies. [1,2] In particular, I worked closely with a number of Debian XML/SGML developers on the design & implementation of fully standards-compliant XML catalog system, complete with packaging tools that simplify the registration of XML resources in the Debian XML catalog system.
I also serve as the official Debian delegate to OASIS [3] - the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards - where I serve on both the DocBook Technical Committee and the Entity Resolution Technical Committee. The latter being the body that developed the XML Catalogs specification. [4]
I'm a member of the DocBook Open Repository at Sourceforge, though have been largely inactive lately due to other committments.
I was also involved in a project to form a FreeStandards [5] LSB [6] Workgroup tasked with developing XML & SGML modules for the LSB Standard. Unfortunately, the project never got off the ground due to a lack of funding. If necessary, I can provide links to many of the documents associated with the project, and to the mailing list archives, as well.
> * What computer languages and other skills do you know?
I'm very familiar with authoring documents in DocBook, and have
developed a package [7] that turns GNU Emacs into a very user-friendly
XML/SGML editing environment. The package is meant to make it easy for
new Emacs users to quickly get up to speed writing in DocBook. I have a page of links [8] to some of the docs/stuff I've worked on/written.
> * Why should we trust you? <--- too blunt?
For a number of reasons:
- I'm a well-established member of the free software/open source development community. (Google me and XML.)
- I work for Red Hat, Inc., and so it's in my own best interest to make a positive contribution to the Fedora project.
> 7. GPG KEYID and fingerprint > > * Be sure that your GPG key is uploaded to pgp.mit.edu.
> * Your GPG fingerprint
mjohnson$ gpg --fingerprint C07DE242 pub 1024D/C07DE242 2003-11-26 Mark Johnson (harco) <mrj@xxxxxxxxxx> Key fingerprint = DBEA FA3C C46A 70B5 F120 568B 89D5 4F61 C07D E242 sub 1024g/FCE2BA69 2003-11-26
Thanks, Mark
[1] http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org/xml-policy/
[2] http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org/sgml-policy/
[3] http://www.oasis-open.org
[4] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/4952/wd-entity-xml-catalogs-1.0_2e.html
[5] http://www.freestandards.org
[6] http://www.linuxbase.org
[7] http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/psgmlx
[8] http://www.duke.edu/~mark
Mark Johnson <mjohnson@xxxxxxxxxx>
Red Hat Documentation Group <http://www.redhat.com>
Tel: 919.754.4151 Fax: 919.754.3708
GPG fp: DBEA FA3C C46A 70B5 F120 568B 89D5 4F61 C07D E242