Feature rejected. That combined with the potential of unionfs making
this rebootless LiveOS installer not work in F13+, leads me to not be
able to personally justify engaging in the process required to bring
this package into the repos myself. If someone would like to adopt this
package, I would be a very responsive upstream.
Also, I do think it was lame that people wasted time bringing up
criticisms in the fesco meeting, instead of here, or on the feature talk
page. Just as much because it seemed to make a long meeting
unnecessarily longer, in addition to my preference for having a better
forum than IRC to address criticisms.
Douglas McClendon wrote:
Can you spare 50 or 100K? If you can spare 100K/700M in the forthcoming
Fedora-12 LiveCD, I can provide you with a rebootless installation
The short story is that you boot the LiveCD/USB, run the installation,
and then, instead of rebooting into the installed OS, you are already
looking at and using it.
I just threw together a decent first pass at a feature page, with all
the relevent info, as well as a couple links to youtube videos showing
the complete user experience. Or, if you are the adventurous kind with
an idle test system (obviously with no important unbacked up data), simply
a) boot an f11-i686 livecd or usb, with an internet connection
b) firefox http://viros.org/rebootless
c) click the i386 rpm link, and submit to packagekit
d) do any partitioning beforehand with fdisk, or whatever gui tool (is
palimpsest really supposed to be able to repartition?)
e) launch the new desktop icon
f) run the installer, simply selecting target root/boot/swap partitions
g) enjoy the coolness that is rebootless installation, and my gratitude
for being one of the first, if not the second tester :)
I would obviously love to see this in F12 even though it could use quite
a bit of polish. It is fairly important that it go in sooner rather
than later, as when unionfs percolates to fedora, this feature may no
longer be technically possible. In the event the feature were wildly
popular, and sticks around, obviously integration with anaconda would be
next, i.e. simply a checkbox before beginning installation stating
whether you want rebootless instead of traditional.
In any event, I'd love to hear what people think. I suppose if space is
the issue, it could even be a feature just getting the package into the
fedora repos so that it could be advertised, with users just needing an
internet connection, and not having to see a complaint about lack of
signature on the package. But cmon, can you spare 100K? (50 of that is
ego/logo I can probably part with :)
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