Hi, I've recently submitted to fedora.us (aka Fedora Extras) new packages for cdrdao 1.1.9 and its Gtk2 front-end: cdrdao-gcdmaster 1.1.9 (along with the required gtkmm libraries). See http://bugzilla.fedora.us/show_bug.cgi?id=1780. (see also bug 1820 for gtkmm). The friendly fedora.us people however are not sure how to proceed because while cdrdao-gcdmaster is a new package, cdrdao is already part of Core (albeit an older version). What would be the correct way to proceed ? Can an Extras package upgrade a Core one ? Or maybe split the process in two and submit a new version of cdrdao to Core (how?) and cdrdao-gcdmaster in Extras only ? Thanks, Denis Leroy, cdrdao project http://cdrdao.sf.net/