On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 01:09:32PM +0200, Marcel J.E. Mol wrote: > Why no changelog for this one? > rpm --changelog show the same info for 1.469 and 1.471 but > I assume some thing has been changed between those versions? The kernel changelogs are very incomplete, and have been so for at least the last several years, if not longer. (I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, but it's just the way it is.) Examining the kernel SRPM is a good place to start if you want to figure out what's changed. For instance, 1.469 appears to be based on kernel 2.6.7-bk15, whereas 1.471 appears to be based on 2.6.7-bk18. (There may be other changes, but that's the most immediately obvious one...) -Barry K. Nathan <barryn@xxxxxxxxx>