Paul Howarth wrote:
Paul Wouters wrote:
On Mon, 16 Mar 2009, Bill Crawford wrote:
Exactly. /var/cache is expected to grow large, especially on
machines with ccache. /var/lib is not expected to grow much at all.
mock uses yum, right? so why can't the caching be in /var/cache/yum?
It could be changed to doing so.
Mock might be using a different version from the installed OS?
Mock runs the host's yum, not the target's. But its cache holds more
than just the yum cache, e.g. there's the root cache too.
Not quite. Both mock and a native yum use the cache directories they are
configured to use.
ATM, they are kept separate, however it theoretically (I haven't tried)
is possible to change these directories them to sharing them.
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