Re: Beta Release Notes

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Todd Zullinger" <tmz@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <fedora-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: Beta Release Notes

Any reason that the content that was updated in /Docs/Beats
doesn't get copied there?  I updated the git info there the
other day, but it looks like I need to go edit it in the beta
release notes as well.
The Beta release notes are really intended to only be the highlights and 
because of that they are called 'one sheet' release notes.  The GA release 
notes are what the beats represent, and they go on and on.  The Development 
Tools alone cover many pages this release.  I don't believe the Beta release 
notes even get packaged.
The other difference is that the Beta release notes don't get translated. 
However, if there are things in beta significant to some audiences (like 
git), then it is perfectly fine to simply reference the Beat in the Beta 
release notes.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

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