Re: Deltarpm *not* ready for new RPM checksums (was Re: Ready for new RPM version?)

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On Mon, 9 Mar 2009, Jonathan Dieter wrote:

Yeah, just ran into some difficulty putting this together.  My original
plan was to modify deltarpm to be able to read sha256 checksums while
sticking with md5 checksums in the deltarpm (to maintain compatibility
in rpm-only deltarpms).

The problem is that the sequence is generated from the sha256 checksums,
and there's no elegant way (at least as far as I can see) to get md5
checksums for the files in the rpm without completely regenerating them.

The alternative is to use sha256 for all of the checksums in a deltarpm
targeting a sha256 rpm, but, like I mentioned earlier, that could cause
some issues in the rpm-only deltarpms (the rpm-only format has no tags
to specify checksum type, so we'd need to be update the format, and I'm
not going to do that without your input).

Is there something I'm missing here?  Or will we need to update the
rpm-only format?
Sounds like the format will need to be updated one way or the other if all 
of the above is true.
P.S. CC'ing fedora-devel-list as (at least according the Presto feature
page), we're supposed to be generating deltarpms for F11-alpha ->
F11-beta after beta freeze, and that can't happen until we get this
I generated and tested deltarpms but the last time I tested it was before
rpm w/sha256 checksums had landed in rawhide.

P.P.S. I just became aware of this last week as I was attempting to
create deltarpms for the Presto test Rawhide repository; sorry for the
lack of notice, Seth and Luke
Thanks for the heads up - what would you like to do here?


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