On 27.02.2009 17:58, Patrick W. Barnes wrote:
In a little over a week from now, the organization application period will be
opening for Google's Summer of Code 2009. As with every past Summer of Code,
we will be applying. After we put in our application, the Google Code team
may review our ideas list and some of our other resources as they determine
which organizations will be welcomed to participate this year. In order to
boost our odds of being welcomed to participate again, we need to get our
ideas list going.
Our Summer Coding pages are up at:
I welcome any help in not only getting ideas posted, but also making the rest
of our Summer Coding pages the best they can be to help both mentors and
students. These pages are not exclusive to Google's Summer of Code; they
provide a central resource for our participation in any other summer
development activities.
RPM Fusion currently discusses some of it's goals for the near and long
term future: http://rpmfusion.org/Goals (still a draft) In that
discussion the idea came up if some of the ideas could get realized as
GSoC project.
Which lead to the question: Should/Could RPM Fusion apply as project
itself and mentor students or would it be better for everyone (Google,
Fedora, RPM Fusion) if we'd try to get the ideas realized within the
Fedora project GSoC efforts even if Fedora only benefits from the
results indirectly when people use RPM Fusion?
Example: One project could be: Port jockey (; see
https://launchpad.net/jockey and
http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/screenshots/jockey/ ) to Fedora and
fully use it in RPM Fusion. Jockey itself is GPL, but it's only of
interest for things that are in RPM Fusion and hence is better dealt
with and shipped in RPM Fusion.
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