Fedora-devel is full of lots of discussions, but it's getting to be
rather high traffic, and many of us are monitoring quite a few other
lists. I am subscribed to about 40.
For things like "Fedora 11 Mass Rebuild" that are of general interest,
could be have a seperate list for "important" packager actions?
I'll still be subscribed to both, but lots of topics are about single
packages or problems (Evolution bugs, X11, kernel build question, icons
for packagekit), so if there is no major event, they are not always
stuff we need to keep up with (Mass Rebuild, Noarch subpackages, policy
changes or guideline changes) which means you do have to manually read
and check off a lot of subthreads to know you didn't miss anything.
When threads change topic midstream it's a bit worse :)
I think what I would propose is basically:
fedora-devel-discuss@ (help me with ___, I have a problem with ___,
please review my package, individual feature planning, etc)
fedora-devel-announce@ (general announcements all packagers need to
be aware of, outages, broken deps, discussion mostly goes to devel list)
Though I'm sure someone else could come up with a better way to split
things up. Also "discuss" and "announce" may not be the best words.
(Also, problems with a specific package should also always cc the
____-owner email address, when discussing on an list)
fedora-devel-list mailing list