On 06.01.2009 12:44, Kevin Kofler wrote:
Paulo Cavalcanti wrote:
if my memory is not failing, some packages appeared first in ATrpms
than if Fedora (livna/rpmfusion): xvidcap, xzgv, xv, etc.
But that is pretty much irrelevant.
Strong +1
Which reminds me: RPM Fusion (just as ATrpms now and Livna and freshrpms
in the past) ships xine, but that afaics should have been moved to
Fedora ages ago after xine-lib had been imported to Fedora. But the xine
maintainers from Livna/RPM Fusion afaics never found time for that :-/ .
Hence I'm asking here:
Does anybody have a few spare cycles and is willig to submitt xine to
Fedora? Dan Horák recently even offered to do the review (see
), as he has a package which depends on it (hence it could go to Fedora
is xine makes it into Fedora).
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