Jonathan Underwood wrote:
2009/1/4 Chitlesh GOORAH <chitlesh.goorah@xxxxxxxxx>:
On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Jonathan Underwood
<jonathan.underwood@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In your spec file you have:
Requires: %{name}-doc = %{version}-%{release}
for the emacs-dino-trace package. That's why emacs-dinotrace is
wanting to install dinotrace-doc. Remove that and your problem will go
away. Question is, why did you add it in the first place, and is
removing it the right thing to do?
Oh dear, I feel stupid !
No need, it's Sunday. Have a coffee.
Knowing Chitlesh I would say a break and a beer :p
I bet he did not taste them all yet !
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