Re: Stability and Release Cycles - An Idea

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Adam Huffman wrote:
And I don't see how the current system is not "usably-stable". Fedora just
Except when it doesn't.  Would you bet your life on it working 
correctly  after every update?  You'd have lost several times on my 
machines, including an update very near the end of FC6's life - a 
point where there was no reason at all to be making changes likely to 
break things. And I'm not using it again for anything that matters 
until I have some reason to think it won't be repeated.
You seem to expend a remarkable amount of energy on something you will 
"never use again for anything that matters".
A lot of good engineering happens in fedora.  Eventually it affects 
other distributions where it does matter.  Unfortunately there seems to 
be an executive fiat keeping fedora itself from becoming usable in the 
way the RH development worked before fedora existed - back when people 
were attracted to Red Hat in the first place and the community that 
helped develop, test, and debug a release ended up with something that 
worked for some length of time at the end.
  Les Mikesell

fedora-devel-list mailing list

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