On Fri, 27 Feb 2004 00:20:14 -0500, Lamar Owen wrote: > The point is that the $RPM_BUILD_ROOT recommendation isn't even consistently > followed in the rpmmacros definitions themselves, meaning that every spec > file is using a willy-nilly mix of %{buildroot} and $RPM_BUILD_ROOT even if > those strings do not appear in your spec file itself. Thus the > recommendation and checklist item is totally redundant and really deserves to > be removed, Jeff's comments notwithstanding. If and when Jeff actually > changes ${buildroot} basic core rpm build macros will break, and break badly, > so the likelihood of that change happening is somewhere between slim and > none, and Slim just left town. Of course, Jeff has surprised us > before... :-) Which -- except for the low-level investigation on where the rpmbuild core uses %buildroot as opposed to $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -- is what I've written earlier, albeit with different words. There is no reason to believe that %buildroot would be killed without a warning. But please don't expect me to edit a Wiki before I haven't heard more voices as it is not me who decides on the fate of such guidelines. There are so many writings in the Wiki one can improve/enhance/modify, I could stop reviewing packages and switch to become a documentation dude. Which I don't want. --