The current network configuration og the laptop I'm using, is a wireless network card, and an normal network card (wirefull).
The funny thing is, that when i start the client on the wireless interface, everything is fine, and everything works as it's supposed to. If i then shifts to the wire, UDP packages suddently isn't comming throug, but tcp connections work fine. That is, no name server resolution, but I'm able to ping and access sites with the ip.
I know that the vpn client is Cisco's responsibility, but I thought I would mention it to you, in case that it points to something gone bad in the kernel. I have tried to do the same exercises with the -358 kernel that ships with Fedora, and everything works in this kernel.
I hope this is of some use (And that a fix can be made :)
Regards /kbn
---- Ouuh... Everybody here has a six-pack, but all I've got is a keg... -Homer Simpson