I've found it, so I'm answering my own question. Anyway, maybe sb. will need this: %{REQUIREFLAGS:depflags} is the thing I was looking for. It can be found in /usr/lib/rpm/rpm-popt-{rpm_version} There are also other very interesting aliases :) JG. On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:36:51 +0200 Jaroslaw Gorny <jgorny@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hallo list, > > when I run: > rpm -q --qf "[%{=NAME} %{REQUIRENAME} %{REQUIREVERSION}\n]" > package_name > > The output is sth like: > package version > > but, I still don't know what is the relation between them: > package = version > > or maybe: > package >= version