1. Name: Peter Edward Popovich 2. Location: Orlando, FL, US 3. Profession: Consultant 4. Company: Self-employed 5. Your goals in the Fedora Project * Which packages do you want to see published? crm114, tre (tre, tre-devel, tre-agrep), nagios, perhaps someday rt. * Do you want to do QA? Ayup. * Anything else special? Nothing else comes to mind. 6. Historical qualifications * What other projects have you worked on in the past? Formerly: Director of Online Operations, MAPS. Editor, Fidonews Software Versions List. Currently: Packaging crm114 rpms for SourceForge file release. * What computer languages and other skills do you know? C, Perl. * Why should we trust you? <--- too blunt? Depends on one's definition of "trust". As Director of Online Operations for MAPS, I oversaw day-to-day operations of the RBL, RSS, and DUL projects, used to block spam by thousands of sites, including several major ISPs and tier-1 providers. At the time, it was operated as a philanthropic not-for-profit community service project, with dozens of volunteer contributors. That doesn't necessarily mean anyone should trust me, though. 7. GPG KEYID and fingerprint [kani:i686] gpg --fingerprint 39CD7551 pub 1024D/39CD7551 2004-04-26 Peter E. Popovich <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Key fingerprint = 7A22 25E2 6BB4 6B63 5DAF ED79 FEDA 1742 39CD 7551 uid Peter Popovich <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxx> sub 1024g/D7B7D9DF 2004-04-26