1. Name Philip Anderson 2. Country Australia 3/4. Employment Employed in a Research & Development team at a large (non-open source) software company. Completed a Degree in Software Engineering at The University of Melbourne with honours 5. I plan to package some extra dictionaries for OpenOffice.org. Another package I wish to add is SquidGuard (URL filter for Squid), which I have patched so it works with DB 4.2 (The latest version which is a few years old only works with 4.0). I don't mind doing QA, but I need to get a bit more familiar with how things work first! 6. I've done quite a bit of programming in languages including C, Java, C++, PHP, Perl. I LOVE shell scripting. I'm a C programmer at heart. I only know the basics of RPM, but I'm reading the docs at the moment. I wrote a few patches which went into the (now obsolete) Jabber 1.4.2 server. I also wrote a simple php front end for searching MARC format library databases (marcsearch.sourceforge.net), which is being used by a few libraries around the world as a cheap (and superior) alternative to a $3000 commercial product. I've filed many (hopefully useful) bugs on various bugzilla's around the place, often with patches/solutions. Why should you trust me??? You probably shouldn't (at first). 7. GPG stuff pub 1024D/58C34E7E 2004-04-11 Phil Anderson <phil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Key fingerprint = 1FE6 9ECD 4761 02AB 317E 3814 F94B 1854 58C3 4E7E sub 1024g/FE7A70E0 2004-04-11 -- Phil Anderson <phil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>