It does no good to have an opinion and not share it, so here goes... SELinux in test2 gave me much to think about with never before seen output messages, file mount points disappearing, and addition messages with every rpm package install. However, even with all the troubles, I think SELinux is a beautiful addition to security in fedora and the only way we are going to get rid of all its bugs is to run it against any and every test we can come up with, just like we do with our kernels and other system code. I personally believe it's a bad decision to disable it in any current releases, only because if we disable it by default and most users don't stray much from system default setups, we will lose n-amount of valuable testing, all of which is greatly needed (esp. in beta mode). Provide and keep the documentation up to date and encourage developers to throw everything at SELinux. After enough testing, most errors will be eliminated and no one will notice anymore. Like Alan mentioned >Its no different to the argument about default firewall rules. Now >days nobody argues with them, but at the time I got some quite >interesting flames about defaulting to firewalling on and it breaking a >tiny number of peoples bits of software. It is just a matter of getting through the headaches between now and then. But disabling it I feel would be a lost due to the large amount of needed testing we would be missing out on. Be patient, give it time, and continue to submit bug reports. Everything will get better... someday :) -- Scott Sloan ------------ "I'm not a genius. I'm just passionately curious" -- Einstein