Hello all, As mentioned earlier today, I have been working on a graphical python app to help with Quality Assurance of Fedora Extras. While it doesn't have all the features I have planned for it, it does provide enough to allow a QA newbie to run through the standard checklist and generate a review template to upload to Fedora.us bugzilla. Tarball is at: http://www.tiki-lounge.com/~toshio/software/qa-assistant/qa-assistant-0.1.tar.gz Since this is a python script, there's no compiling to be done. You need to have python2.2 (2.3 is untested right now), libxml2-python, pygtk2, pygtk2-libglade, gnome-python2, and rpm-python (If you have yum and a few redhat-config-* utilities, these should already be installed.) Just download, untar, cd into the directory, and ./qa-assistant [PATH TO SRPM] QA Assistant is a bit inflexible about loading an SRPM to begin the review, right now. You have to specify it on the commandline. Once loaded, the application will present you with a checklist that you can cycle through, checking off Pass, Fail, Non-Blocker, or Not-Applicable and selecting whether to send the output to the review or not. Clicking on a cell in the Output Column will allow you to edit the message. Pressing Ctrl-T will toggle the Preview Pane which shows you approximately what the Review will look like. Pressing Ctrl-P will "Publish" the review to a file. Screenshot of QA-Assistant's Main Interface: http://www.tiki-lounge.com/~toshio/software/qa-assistant/Main.png Screenshot of QA-Assistant's Preview Pane: http://www.tiki-lounge.com/~toshio/software/qa-assistant/Preview.png Screenshot of a completed Review: http://www.tiki-lounge.con/~toshio/software/qa-asistant/Review.jpg I need some help moving QA-Assistant forward. If you'd care to contribute I need: - Feedback! What works, what doesn't. What should I fix first and what should I hold off on? - XML authors to look at my checklist format and spot anything that should be implemented some other way - XML writers to add, subtract, multiply, and divide the fedoraus.xml checklist description or create new checklists from it. - Programmers who can take a look at some of my pygtk hacks and tell me how I could improve the speed and beauty of the app. (I had to write a custom cell renderer for the checklist's Treeview and another custom widget for the Preview Pane which is why both of them are tolerable but not perfect.) - Programmers to tackle any items in the TODO file. Suggestions and code welcome. -Toshio -- _______S________U________B________L________I________M________E_______ t o s h i o + t i k i - l o u n g e . c o m GA->ME 1999
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