Thoughts on new shell after ~ two months

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I've been using GNOME 40, first with the Copr and then F34 prerelease, since
mid-January. I posted some first-week responses, and I thought it might be
helpful to follow up with some thoughts from more extended use.

Overall, I'm finding the change to be fine. There's nothing that, like,
upsets me.

The two systems I'm using this on are:

* desktop at my treadmill desk with one large monitor; trackpoint keyboard
  with mouse I normally use only for gaming

* laptop at my regular desk, with secondary monitor

On the single-monitor system, I'm adapting pretty well to the new workspace
layout, but I do still find it more awkward than the previous setup.

I generally put personal mail, chat, etc., on workspace one, RH stuff on
workspace two, games/steam on workspace three, and then use workspace 4 for
a whatever I'm currently doing if it needs its own space. I previously used
the Always Zoom Workspaces extension, and while it was a little bit of a
pain to get this set up after a reboot, not really a big deal. I'm
definitely finding relaunching and rearranging things to be a more-time
consuming task now. I thought maybe I could drag icons from the App Drawer
view to the workspace I want them to run on, speeding things up a little
bit, but it turns out not.

I know Wayland doesn't have the support for this right now, but it seems
like a nice feature would be a way to pin applications (or even specific
windows of a given application) to a certain workspace.

Anyway, also, I notice that I'm generally always reaching for the mouse
rather than using the trackpoint (which I normally prefer while
treadmilling), because of the scroll wheel to switch workspaces. I set up
hot keys for Super-1,2,3,4 for the first four workspaces, but

1) I'm not finding I'm training myself to use them, and
2) Super-4, for some reason, lauches the fourth item on the dash rather than
   switching the workspace. I can't find this defined anywhere.

I also notice that I _never_ use the hot corner. It's just too far away from
everything. I always use the overview key, even when using the mouse
otherwise. I think I'd like a hot bottom edge instead.

Meanwhile, on the laptop + external monitor, without really planning to,
I've just given up on using more than one workspace. I can't find an
arragement where it works in a way that the logic clicks. I basically now
use the two monitors as separate workspaces.

I still think the borders in the overview take too much of the space. I'd
rather more room to see my windows clearly. On a perhaps related note, I'm
also really glad to see Native Window Placement updated for GNOME 40,
because while the default is fine for one or two windows I always end up
confused if I have more than that open in a workspace, and Native Window
Placement fixes that for me.

Speaking of extensions: Hide Top Bar, Caffeine, and Impatience all seem to
work. None of which are must-haves, just things I like.

Also, I see that the behavior I reported when you have a single window
on workspace 2 and drag it to workspace 3 is improved. It's still a little
confusing if you then fail to immediately run a new app, but at least it's
more clear what's happening.

Overall, I'm a little less worried about this than I was, but I think
there's definitely some work to be done still especially around workspaces
and multiple monitors.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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