Thoughts on shell redesign

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Overall, like it and think this is a good direction. It didn't really take
me long to adjust to. I do think we need to communicate this a _lot_,
because change is hard and there exist a lot of negativity around GNOME
changes in general (even when such negativity is really ironic). Let's make
sure to get positive messaging out there.

Personally, I think we should take this a step further and make an always-on
dock a configurable preference. But one thing at a time. :)

Anyway, here's my feedback after running with this for a week:

* The latest mutter update in the copr broke my ability to log in my
  existing account (getting the sad face "can't do anything"). Haven't had
  time to really diagnose yet. That makes me a little worried that others
  might experience something similar. For non-techie users this basically
  says "your machine is dead and now you have to reinstall".

* Super-L does not lock the screen. Actually that shortcut just plain
  doesn't work no matter what I set it to.

* I really find overview-zoom and unzoom animations to be too slow. Turning
  them off is, however, too jarring. Hopefully Impatience will be available
  as an extension again, but I think we should consider making the default a
  little faster and perhaps proving options in Tweaks. (I know this isn't
  new, just missing it from not having that extension.)

* That said, when using the scroll wheel, the switch workspace animation
  feels too _fast_. It's easy to get lost if I have more than two
  workspaces. I know, it's all subjective, but that's my impression.

* Speaking of extensions, obviously the redesign is going to impact a lot of
  them. Is the popularity sort on meaningful?
  We should consider explicitly testing the top 20 or so and commenting on

* I don't have a strong opinion about horizontal vs. vertical workspace
  alignment, even after using it for a week. Either is fine with me. However
  I had previously used always-zoom-workspaces, and there's not really a
  logical place for that in the new design. The net result of this is that I
  forget what's on my other workspaces and open up more new windows and
  workspaces in general throughout the day.

  From reading other feedback, I think many people have a strong opinion
  about this even though I don't. One factor might be multi-monitor; if I
  have two monitors side by side, the side-scrolling workspaces are
  confusing and vertical makes more sense. Also, on a 16:9 panel vertical
  space is precious, and especially so on 13" or 14" notebooks -- making a
  side dock more logical.
  I know we don't like having a lot of options, but I wonder if having a 90°
  rotation mode for this might be a worthwhile option, where the dash (and
  "top" bar) are on the sides and workspaces go up and down.

* Okay, this is long-standing rather than new, but it seems like this
  redesign is an opportunity to address. I find the word "Activies"
  puzzling. It's always on screen in a very prominent place, and isn't very
  descriptive. I know it comes from the idea of activity-centered design,
  but that actually makes things worse because that's not what the UX really
  ended up being. And, it's been a while, but in the past I've encountered
  people who thought the whole desktop environment or even OS was called
  The menu on the top right doesn't have any words; maybe this could also
  bceome an icon? I get the rationale for not making it a brand icon, so I'm
  not asking for that specifically, just... _an_ icon. (Sadly, the most
  logical thing for it would actually be what's printed on the Overview key.
  But that's not really a possibility!)
* Launching something from the dash using the mouse requires a LOT of mouse
  travel: up to the top left corner, then down to the middle. Then, it seems
  that new windows prefer to appear back up in the top left, so it's back up
  to there again. Maybe:
  1. the botton edge of the screen could also be "hot" and bring up the
     overview, and
  2. new windows could bias more towards appearing in the center of the
     screen even if that makes more overlap.
* Actually point #2 might be important enough that it's worth calling out
  directly. The top left of the screen is rarely where I want a
  non-maximized window to appear.     
* The borders around the window positions in the overview make for even less
  real-estate in that view, which is unfortunate. I don't have a great
  suggestion, except maybe thinner margins.
  - Bonus thought though: although it's not apparent onscreen in normal use
    like the Endless logo is, (which is something I'd still like), maybe we
    could make those margins Fedora Blue instead of gray, to give a little
    bit of distro-specific theming?

    I love that GNOME's main UI uses neutral colors, but since this won't
    distract the eye while you're actually working in an application, maybe
    it's something we could do.

    (Actually, what I'd love for my own personal configuration is a black
    background screen and the stars and gas clouds from the F33 wallpaper in
    the overview margins... or, for a default, I can see a design with a
    pattern which complements the default wallpaper, rather than just a
    plain color. Maybe too busy, though. Just thinking out loud!)

* If I click the "show applications" icon, and then start to search, the
  transition from the app panel with workspaces at the top to the search is
  kind of jarring. I think this would be better if the workspaces were
  _below_ the application icons rather than above.

* A dash-to-dock feature I miss: I want the terminal icon to launch a new
  window rather than focusing an existing one. I know that's not new in this
  design but it'd be nice to not have to use this extension. I might be able
  to train myself to middle-click, but I'd rather swap the behavior.

* The first time I dragged a window to a new workspace, I was confused as to
  where it went. I think it's probably the right behavior, just a surprise.
  Maybe an animation can help here?
* If I have a single window on the second workspace and drag it to the
  third, that second workspace (naturally) becomes empty. If I then
  immediately launch a new application or new window without leaving the
  overview, that new app lands on that workspace and everything is fine.
  If, however, I don't launch a new app and return from the overview, the
  empty workspace is collapsed, which in pratice means that the window I
  dragged to the right is now back on the workspace in front of me, and
  there are still just two workspaces.
  There's not even an animation making this smooth, but even if it were, it
  really feels like strange behavior. Consider not collapsing single empty
  workspaces between occupied ones.
Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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