I'm a bit concerned about the enthusiasm for Telegram. The clients may be FOSS but the server software isn't. In addition to this the use of a central server is troubling with respect to metadata collection. Has anyone considered Tox? It's a FOSS replacement for Skype and doesn't rely on a central server. It's still in a pre-alpha state but has several working clients. I've tested qTox and it works nicely with sound and video through a firewall. There was a Gtk client (Venom) but it's deprecated. A large project like Fedora being interested in Tox could make all the difference and increase traction to help move it towards a stable and feature complete release. I've noticed several people mentioning OTR. Tox has encryption built in. I could go on about it but the information is on their website and the code is available for perusal. Ananda -- desktop mailing list desktop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/desktop