Hi all,
I have been working on a feature proposal for a while now to propose
cleaning up the wallpapers that we present to the user by default in
Workstation. It has been on the agenda for the last few meetings, but we
have run out of time in those meetings :(
Basically, the proposal is to clean out the wallpapers that we currently
present to the user, and just show:
1. The default fedora wallpaper for the release (the one created by the
Fedora Design Team)
2. The default wallpaper for the upstream desktop release (e.g. the
default GNOME wallpaper for the release of GNOME being shipped)
3. A new set of 15 alternative default wallpapers chosen from the past
Fedora supplemental wallpapers. The supplemental wallpapers are a set of
wallpapers (that change every release) that are included in the repos
for people to install and use. The idea here would be to choose 15 of
the best from all past supplemental wallpaper packages to be included by
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