Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
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Douglas McClendon wrote:
I noticed that F7-livecd took about 3 minutes to fully boot on my system
under qemu (with kqemu). And that ubuntu 7.04 took maybe 20 seconds
longer than that. But that f8t1 took *15* minutes. Specifically, udev
took 20 seconds (reliably +/-3s) on f7-livecd, but f8t1 udev took
I also recall that f8t1 seemed equally bad on native hardware, though I
didn't do as detailed a test.
This seems like a great time to harp on an idea I've been advocating on
fedora-livecd-list for years now- Fully automated regression testing
using qemu.
One thing to remember is that rawhide kernels often have debugging
features turned on that can slow things down compared to the release
kernels. You'll want to make sure your regression tests take that into
That's OK, as the main thing is the tests would tell you relative boot
times. (i.e. today's rawhide is faster/slower than yesterdays).
But, to the horrible 15 minute performance I saw with f8t1 under qemu-
does that fall into the issue you mentioned? I.e. are those debugging
features turned on in f8t1? how about f8t2? What is the quickest way
to determine if they are turned on or not?
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