dragoran wrote:
Anuj Verma (Kevin) wrote:
On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:22:10 -0400, Christopher Aillon wrote:
Fedora doesn't have a 32 bit package for compatibility; it's only there
because of the way multilib works. If so many apps didn't rely on it to
build against, there would be only a 64 bit version.
but there is a firefox.i386
yes because packages needs it to build against it. (every package that
has a -devel package has a i386 and a x86_64 version)
Now that nspluginwrapper is in rawhide though, it should be working no?
File a bug if not.
yes i noticed that "nspluginwrapper" is there but it is not working
right for sure. I hope to bug report it soon.
works fine here also we have a 64bit java plugin in rawhide (I am using
blackdown java on my x86_64 f7 box)
I tried both IcedTea and Black down 64bit plugin those work, but the
flash-plugin is not working at all under nspluginwrapper
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