Re: fedora 6/7 - why do you ignore k3b by default?

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Valent Turkovic wrote:
Why isn't the best burning software on by default on new fedora 6/7

Is there some particular reason? I see k3b as the best cd/dvd burning
app and it should be installed by default IMHO.
I see this form the opposite direction: I would like to drop K3B for 
good for my personal use, as it is *the only* desktop application I have 
using *the other* toolkit (and it does not integrate well with the rest 
of the desktop, is very slow to start etc.). note: my main usage 
scenario in using K3B is to write multisession  disks, feature not 
available in nautilus-burn.
In some case the default choice in the Fedora desktop is the easiest to 
use and/or the most integrated solution, this is why Nautilus-burn is 
the recommended way to burn disks and on the same thinking, a gtk 
Bittorent client is preferred to Azureus (and I agree here, with a 
strong personal liking for Transmission and maybe Deluge).
Of course, the rule is not always true, as Firefox is preferred to 
Epiphany, and examples can continue on both sides.
Also when it is installed by hand it still doesn't play well on Fedora
6/7 desktops.
I posted a bug for it:

Can you please give a bit more of much needed attention to k3b?

nicu :: ::
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