yes--try rebooting and look at the "Kernel choise Sreen"--first one to
show on boot--it will give you a choise of which version of kernel to
boot to. Some--not all however--grub loaders are setup to use the latest
kernel, just make sure you read fast and use the arrow keys to select
the latest kernel displayed, then hit the enter key. After booting and
loging on--etc--go to (I use KDE gui) System Settings then boot
configuration--make sure grub is setup to boot to the "latest" version
of kernel (but make sure that this kernel WORKS ok with your particular
setup for a day or so). this help??? If you didn't load this
particular "tool" when you installed Fedora Core 3--it is still possible
to do the same from the grub boot screen---read fast--edit grub
Matthew Miller wrote:
On Sat, Dec 25, 2004 at 11:02:40AM +0100, M. wrote:
package and starts the installer, the installer says kernel 681smp is
already installed. Just to double-check I searched on the Internet and found
this command "uname -r", which confirms I am running kernel 667smp.
How do I force a reinstall or an update of the kernel to version 681smp?
Hopefully this is a silly question, but have you rebooted?