Rex Dieter wrote:
Arturo wrote:
switching from GDM to KDM, I basically had to hack (using the term loosely) /etc/X11/prefdm script to get it to work.
adding DISPLAYMANAGER="KDE" to /etc/sysconfig/desktop is a little easier.
I'm not sure if you've actually tried this, but it doesn't work.
And reviewing the prefdm , I can't seehow it's suppose to work at all.
My take on /usr/X11/prefdm is that it's pretty straightforward: ... # Run preferred X display manager preferred= if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/desktop ]; then . /etc/sysconfig/desktop if [ "$DISPLAYMANAGER" = GNOME ]; then preferred=gdm elif [ "$DISPLAYMANAGER" = KDE ]; then preferred=kdm elif [ "$DISPLAYMANAGER" = XDM ]; then preferred=xdm fi fi ... [ -n "$preferred" ] && exec $preferred $* >/dev/null 2>&1
Obviously I may easily be an isolated information. Here's a link to a thread I had started on the issue:
Post #7 had what you probably missed:
I've found that after changing /etc/sysconfig/desktop, if I do a [ctrl-alt-bksp] it won't change, but if I change the runlevel to 3 and then bacck to 5 (as in "init 3;init 5") it works perfectly.
Though, I'd recommend: /sbin/telinit 3; /sbin/telinit 5 instead.
Of course, rebooting works too.
-- Rex
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