----- Original Message ----- From: <fedora-desktop-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx> To: <v2ikematu@xxxxxx> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 8:16 PM Subject: Fedora-desktop-list -- confirmation of subscription -- request 155037 > Fedora-desktop-list -- confirmation of subscription -- request 155037 > > We have received a request for subscription of your email address, > <v2ikematu@xxxxxx>, to the fedora-desktop-list@xxxxxxxxxx mailing > list. To confirm the request, please send a message to > fedora-desktop-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx, and either: > > - maintain the subject line as is (the reply's additional "Re:" is > ok), > > - or include the following line - and only the following line - in the > message body: > > confirm 155037 > > (Simply sending a 'reply' to this message should work from most email > interfaces, since that usually leaves the subject line in the right > form.) > > If you do not wish to subscribe to this list, please simply disregard > this message. Send questions to fedora-desktop-list-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx