Hey gang, I wanted to also put this out there... I worked for a wee bit on trying to get Bluecurved to be squared. I've fixed the corners, and simply need someone *cough*garrett*cough* who is a metacity theme God to tell me how to do the buttons. You can see a partially implemented version of it here: http://occy.net/tmp/roundbuttons-BAD.png I actually removed the round part of the buttons until I can get it fixed, you can download what I've done so far here: http://occy.net/tmp/bs.tar.gz Which will result in something looking like this: http://mccombs.nu/gallery/screenshots/nov_21_2003_ss Here is what I hope it will look like in the end: http://occy.net/tmp/bs.png Which, the above, is essentially a mockup, since I've not been able to figure it out yet. I would like to make a motion that the final "Bluesquared" theme, be a part of Fedora. So you'd have a choice of having the rounded corners, or the squared off corners. I am not interested in having any credit for this work that I've done, since it's only 0.0000001%(or much less) of any of the work that's even gone into the theme making. I simply want to have a really cool squared version of "Bluecurve". :) That is all... Trae -- Trae McCombs http://occy.net/