system-config-packages is dead! Long live pup. OK I'm wasn't going to announce cvs until I get a pretty icon of a little golden retriever or yellow labrador (sp?) puppy [1] and a webpage up. Oh and actually working backend code! But I figure release early, release often! cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/local/CVS login cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/local/CVS co pup It's mostly a skeleton project atm, modified svg/png (s/up2date/pup/) from Bryan Clark. I've knocked together some glade for people to rip apart along with a mock puppy script to run it. I hope to have an initial backend working end of week. Paul [1] Chasing own tail perhaps or with a package in mouth ;) -- Fedora-config-list mailing list Fedora-config-list@xxxxxxxxxx