I meant to reply directly to him >.<. I already did though and explained
about the list.
Tyler Larson wrote:
Travis Abbott wrote:
There's a nifty little tool called neat (aka
system-config-network) you can use to set up your network settings. I
don't use gnome or kde anymore, so I can't tell you exactly where it
would be on your menu, but you can open up a terminal and type "neat"
or "system-config-network" to ...
While this was a great reply that, I think, explained quite well how
to solve your problem, I'd like to point out that useful replies to
this type of question are quite rare on this mailing list.
See, fedora-config-list isn't a mailing list about configuring fedora,
rather it's a list where people discuss developing configuration tools
for fedora. A subtle, but important, difference.
A wonderful place to learn how to install, configure, control, and
otherwise use your new operating system is fedora-list. It's full of
great people who are just itching to answer that type of question.
This list, on the other hand, is read by great people who are busy
trying to build the tools you use to configure the OS. They're not
quite as interested in (nor as good at) explaining the best way to use
Fedora-config-list mailing list