On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 06:53, Laercio Xisto Braga Cavalcanti wrote:This is the wrong list for this discussion. I have a Toshiba Satellite. If your Tosh has an nvidia chip in it you will need the nvidia drivers. You need them because even if you fix the black border( which I don't think happens unless you install the nvidia drivers ) you will most likely lose your mouse pointer when it comes back from suspend. The mouse cursor will just not show up on the screen. Most people don't catch this right away.
I´m trying to configure my system (Toshiba satellite 2715XDVD) with
fedora and my monitor (LCD 14´1) has a black boarder around it. I try
to change the monitor settings but nothing seems to work. Can anybody
help me?
fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx is the right list to post to
Using redhat-config-xfree86 or redhat-config-display (or
system-config-xfree86, or system-config-display) will work for you