Hey Mo!
Call me crazy but I did some digging before I had to leave for work, and the 3/4" options that had black only supported one color screen printing. All the listings I came accross said it would convert multi colored images to a single color. I did find a white option supporting the screen printing ( but boy are they expensive ). Hopefully I can help dig around more after work.
- SKU 815UE - Qty/$$$: 300 ( $1,044 ), 500 ( $1,605 ), 1000 ( $3,020 ) - Screen printing free, support up to 4 colors.
On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Máirín Duffy <duffy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
If you are new to the team (or just interested in helping :) ) and are looking for a task to help out with, I could use your help.
This is a ticket we have to help ambassadors in LATAM produce some swag:
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find and price out options for black lanyards, minimum 3/4" width, some kind of clip included, with a 3 color screen print on http://staplespromotionalproducts.com
Note that not all lanyards allow for three-color imprints! Staples shows this info on each product's details page under the "design info" link under "about this product"
Quick summary of specs needed:
- 3/4" wide minimum
- 3 color screen print minimum
- Some kind of clip included in the price
What I'd like to see as your submission:
- At least 4 possibilities of lanyards to use
- The SKU number of each lanyard
- The price for 300, 500, and 1000 for each lanyard type (please include the screen print charges, they are listed on the red button towards the bottom of the page. Some are free, some are not.)
If you want to go above and beyond, something like this would be super useful; I used Inkscape to create it and have attached the SVG in case you'd like to use it as a template.:
Please reply to list and cc me to let me know you're working on it if this is something you think you'd like to help us with!
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