Great thanks for sam08 as well as the design team.
To make it clear, the ticket was filed as a track for general Fedora 23
release events. As soon as the design team added the design (and svgs)
to the wiki [[F23_Artwork#Posters]] I will forward the information back
to Ambassador list so that we can use this as a draft for Fedora 23
release parties.
On 10/22/2015 11:22 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
Ticket 404: F23 Release Posters
sam08 created these awesome designs. We don't know if the reporter used
them, but they are all quite nice. I asked sam08 to post the SVGs and
we'll close the ticket and advertise them more widely to the Fedora
community to use.
Zamir SUN
zsun in #fedora-zh #openshift on
design-team mailing list