We had a meeting today, and myself, mleonova, riecatnor, and tatica
attended. Here is a quick run-through of what we discussed; ***please***
feel more than welcome to reply here and continue the discussion:
#360 Fedora LiveUSB Creator artwork
mbriza joined us for this discussion; mleonova created a mockup of two
variations, one with the spins/labs icons in fedora blue, another with
the spins/labs icons in a patterned grey. (the concern to be addressed
with this is that the gray icons looked like they were inactive / not
selectable in the UI context.) We decided to go with the patterned gray
mockup: http://i.imgur.com/6BXS7lF.png
#403 Icons for new FAS website
riecatnor shared her first drafts of the icon designs and asked for
feedback. Some points that were brought up in the discussion:
- the first row and fourth row were the favorite designs.
- we weren't sure what the 'platform' icon should be in the original
request; riecatnor will ask reporter
- we wanted to see the icons in context in a UI screenshot, but the app
was down during our meeting so we couldn't see what the app looks like
to try to imagine the icons in context. riecatnor will ask reporter for
screenshots / to set site back up so she can take screenshots and maybe
mockup the icons in context.
- need to confirm with reporter the target icon display size - may need
to snap artwork to the pixel grid if its sufficiently small
- try in the group icon to maybe do a shoulder line for the center
person and taper it off about halfway down
New Meeting Time
So far the largest number of folks can make 9 AM EDT / 1 PM UTC on
Wednesdays, but we are waiting on more folks to respond to the survey.
If you have not filled out the meeting time survey, please do so now at
this URL:
Design Team Fedora Council Presentation
We'd like to make a presentation about the status of our team to the
Fedora Council. Matthew Miller posed the following items as suggestions
as to what the preso could cover:
<mizmo> - the current state of the subproject
<mizmo> - future plans
<mizmo> - things the team needs from the rest of the project
<mizmo> - any blockers we can help unblock
<mizmo> - big resource requests?
Here's what we talked about, but if we missed anything or if you have
big ideas, please let's discuss here on list!
Current State of the Design Team:
Our current state is good.
We had a Fedora Activity Day this past January 2015
(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_DesignTeam_2014) as a sort of reboot
for the team, and we accomplished lasting progress at that time. We
cleaned out our ticket queue and set up a new system for ticket filing
and reviews, and we re-established our regular meetings which we're
still doing. Our ticket queue remains fairly clean and sane
post-cleaning, meaning our maintenance processes are likely working.
Similarly riecatnor and threebean redesigned the Fedora Badge design new
ticket submission process and are getting more detailed and
better-written badge request tickets as a result.
One upcoming issue is that I've been running the meetings and will be
out on medical leave Nov/Dec - Feb/Mar, so we need to get on a new
meeting schedule ahead of time to try to get into a routine with other
folks leading the meetings.
Future Plans:
mleonova is working on a project to clean up our swag assets and put
together a directory with print-ready, pre-approved Fedora swag designs.
More on her project here:
mizmo has been working on the Fedora Hubs project
(http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/category/fedora/fedora-hubs/ ) and ongoing
updates to Fedora websites (e.g. redesign of www.getfedora.org for new
Atomic focus http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2015/09/15/fedora-atomic-logo-idea/ )
Any other folks with big plans please shout out so we can add them to
our list!
Things Design Team Needs from the Rest of the Project:
This is where we spent the bulk of our discussion time. :)
1) Design Team FAD 2016
We talked about potentially holding another Design Team FAD (Fedora
Activity Day) sometime in 2016, after March, and the focus could be both
recruiting new folks (maybe hosting at a university or colocated with a
design event where we could get some recruits) and working on badge
artwork. Riecatnor mentioned the badge artwork queue is quite long and
we need help.
2) Show Me the Content!
We often get asked to design materials without being given content to
use. Sometimes this manifests in designs filled with lipsum that end up
needing substantial changes when the real content comes in, sometimes it
manifests in designers writing the content themselves. For the rest of
the project, the takeaway here is that we really need the content before
we can do a workable design in a timely and efficient manner.
3) Recruiting and Retention
We do struggle a bit with recruiting and retention. One idea we came up
with was to have more events - virtual events - like office hours where
new folks can show up to get help. In terms of retention a frequent
reason we're aware of for folks leaving the team is different work
schedules or general business.
4) Need Specs + Printer Info + Reasonable Time Please
Commonly we're asked to do design tasks that involve printing (paper
items or swag) but not provided specs or contact information for the
printer/producer of the items. This ends up causing extra work for the
designers who sometimes need to completely reformat a design for when
they finally get specs for the printer, and unfortunately sometimes
results in the design being produced incorrectly (riecatnor cited the
Flock Rochester booklets as an example of this.) The integrity of our
designs should be treated as seriously as the integrity of Fedora's
code, so we need appropriate specifications and printer information to
ensure the designs are produced correctly. (And enough time to do this
all in!)
5) Need a Better Swag Strategy
This is kind of my personal pet peeve, but we did talk about some kind
of higher-level strategy regarding the swag art we produce for folks
making swag since from the design team's standpoint it's rather ad-hoc:
- Is there a place for discussions about how much swag we produce, the
environmental impact, the strategic necessity of the swag being
produced, etc.
- Could we put some bounds on swag production to help manage it, for
example, certain types of swag like T-shirts are okay to produce for
premiere Fedora events (Flock, FUDcons) but for smaller events like FAD
we won't do it or we'd have less impactful items available (like stickers?)
- Could we consider alternatives to T-shirts, and maybe produce
higher-quality shirts (like high quality polos) that are given 1 per
contributor and per event make collectible pins available that could be
put on the shirt or bags or other items? (E.g., like these sort of
- There are some regional differences in swag production; Tatica
mentioned LATAM does not have more than one T-shirt run a year and not
many shirts are produced. So any changes in policy would need to
consider regional differences.
Any other thoughts or ideas, please feel free to throw in!!!
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