Luya, I have spoken yesterday with Mo about this. So its not that nobody of us has noticed Matts mail and did take care. If you look to your inbox, you will find a mail from mizmo asking for changing the meeting time, because Ryan and me are in totally different time zones now.2015-09-30 4:11 GMT+07:00 Luya Tshimbalanga <tshimulu@xxxxxxxxx>:
Make that October 26. I will be unavailable on the 19.
On Sep 29, 2015 10:24 AM, "Luya Tshimbalanga" <luya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 28/09/15 11:04 AM, Matthew Miller wrote:
> Hi all! The Fedora Council has been doing roughly-monthly checkins with
> different Fedora teams and subprojects, and we'd be interested in
> hearing from Design. We've been doing these on Google+ [*], with a
> presenter with slides and stuff. It doesn't need to be long or very
> formal, but something more organized than an unstructured chat. It'd
> cover:
> - the current state of the subproject
> - future plans
> - things the team needs from the rest of the project
> - any blockers we can help unblock
> - big resource requests?
> Is anyone from Design interested in doing this? We use the Monday 17:00 UTC
> timeslot. October 12 is a US holiday (Indigenous Peoples' Day, at my
> house at least), but October 19 or 26th would be open.
> * see council list for discussion on open source alternatives;
> hopefully in the not too distant future.
Hi Matthew,
I am willing to do the task. Monday October 19 will work fine nearly a
week after the bi-weekly Design team meeting with enough needed information.
Luya Tshimbalanga
Graphic & Web Designer
E: luya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
W: http://www.coolest-storm.net
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