Recently the Design team moved their materials to a git repo managed in Fedora Hosted. The old location served from /srv/groups on the box, however, likely has many incoming links from the wiki and elsewhere which will now be broken. Design team assets are used widely throughout the project. Getting things from git is a substantially high bar to set for a random contributor (more so with a random person looking to use the free assets we champion). Although there is a git browser, it's still much easier for someone to understand a simple web directory page, or even use existing instructions to hook their desktop to the team depot via SFTP. So I'd like to propose a way of making the original location work as a git clone with a timed pull that keeps the content fairly fresh. (0) (optional, and might already have been done) We might want to see if there is any packing that could be done on the Design team's git repo to minimize its size. (1) The quota for the designteam area should be raised to approximately 8 GB. Currently the full repo size is 4.8 GB and we should plan some room for growth. (2) I can set up the right puppet bits to do a timed pull of the repo into /srv/groups/designteam, although I may need some help if my access allows me to sudo on (I have sysadmin{,-noc,-test,-insight} and designteam group membership.) I've done something similar for Insight now so I believe I can do the same without much trouble for this purpose. This should restore all broken links and also keep the content fresh for more casual consumers of this content. +/-1, and please counter-suggest if you're -1. Thanks for reading! -- Paul W. Frields gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 - - - - Red Hat Summit/JBossWorld -- Register now! _______________________________________________ design-team mailing list design-team@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx