On 05/14/2009 03:41 PM, Martin Sourada wrote:
On Thu, 2009-05-14 at 12:50 +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:
needs to be copied to some directory that is readable by all users and
we don't like to mess up with the dirs that are usually handled by
I like a lot how the default wallpapers are set now in the distro: check
a box and input a password.
I don't know how this works, only that it works for the wallpapers I
have installed, but they are all system ones. If you have wallpaper
image in your $HOME then it probably needs to be copied over
to /usr/share/backgrounds or somewhere before it can be made default.
I am the sole user of my desktop, I set as a default background a photo
from my home directory and it is picked correctly by GDM (ant that was
all that mattered to me). Was to lazy to create a new user account only
to test this.
Do you currently wave a wallpaper installed from rpm? Mine is a JPEG
somewhere in my homedir and it survived a clean install of F11 Beta.
I do... Actually I use the default wallpapers because I like them. In
past I've used various custom images though, but somehow the default
ones have won (I think since about the time community took over the
release artwork I have been using the default wallpapers almost
I also stayed with the defaults for F8 an F9 because I liked them, not
so for F10 and F11.
nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/
photography: http://photoblog.nicubunu.ro/
my Fedora stuff: http://fedora.nicubunu.ro/
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