Matthias Clasen wrote:
On Sat, 2009-05-09 at 11:47 +0200, Martin Sourada wrote:
Hi all,
'thanks' to me catching flu and having to spend whole days in bed, I
decided I'd use some of that spare time on adding the lion images for
single screens.
Are we talking about adding the lion back to the default single-width
background, or is this a separate image ? I must admit that I think the
background we have now works better without the huge lion on it...
Fedora-art-list mailing list
It'd be an extra one available, but not the default enabled one.
Personally, since I run fluxbox on top of gnome, desktop icons aren't
going to be a huge issue for me, I'd just want to move conky back to the
left side of the screen. However, that's just my workflow and I'll
accommodate appropriately on my own.
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