Máirín Duffy wrote:
From: Nicu Buculei
There are a few things I am not happy about, like the grass not being green
enough and the sky being more cyan than blue, but there is time for those after
the Beta.
It started out a lot more green & cyan (see Mola's original mockup, bottom here: http://mola.fedorapeople.org/gimp/view/)
I know Mola's images, we talked about them on IRC before he mailed to
the list.
But trying that as a wallpaper, it was way too intense and contrasty / distracting for a wallpaper. :(
You are right, Mola's colors are too saturated and won't work for an
usable desktop (and also don't look very natural either).
I tried a quick trick starting from one of Mola's images (attached):
decreased the saturation and increased the lightness a bit, the colors
are closer to what I have in mind (but I should have applied the
lightness/saturation operation separately to the grass and sky).
The hard reality is an wallpaper like this will be inevitably compared
with the default Windows XP wallpaper, which had set a standard in
people's minds: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Windows_XP_SP3.png
But as I said in my previous mail, those are small details we can worry
about post-beta.
nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/
photography: http://photoblog.nicubunu.ro/
my Fedora stuff: http://fedora.nicubunu.ro/

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