Martin Sourada wrote:
On Thu, 2008-09-25 at 17:22 -0400, William Jon McCann wrote:
In my opinion it's applications fault. The day icon themes were born to
the world, people should have accepted the fact and make it possible to
change every icon on desktop by looking them up in icon themes. It's not
only because the Echo icon theme, we can replace the upstream icons if
needed for Fedora, the biggest issue I see there is that it effectively
blocks creating themes designed specially for people with disabilities,
like HiContrast icon theme.
The theming functionality is mostly there already (with 2.24 all of
evolution is themeable etc. please file bugs where it's not), but the
contributions to HighContrast are few and far between. It would be cool
to see more icon creation happening for those.
We also fail to support the art communities upstream. Andreas has
practically begged you to work with him upstream. We simply don't
have enough good artists around to have turf wars over icon sets. I
will join him in asking you to work upstream.
Unless I pay people, I can only kindly ask them to help us. I think
people should be free to work on what they enjoy best. Just wanted to
make that clear.
- Andreas
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