Hey there,
It is time for the spins.fp.o website to take shape and there's a lot of
stuff to do;
First of all, we've come up with a Site Map[1] of what spins.fp.o is
going to look like in the end, and we like to get started for F-10 GA
for at least some of these pages.
I'm thinking everything that is interactive is off the map for now as we
can probably not get that in the 1.5-2 months that we have left for F-10
GA, but the pages itself, describing the process, the features of a
spin, the viewing of the kickstart used to compose it, the HOWTO pages,
etc. should be perfectly doable for F-10 GA.
So, I've been asked to make some wire-frames[2] for the pages, but I am
a graphical no-know (really). There's a couple of mockup[3] pages, which
give an impression of how cool it could look ;-)
So, the question is; who will help me in getting these wireframes for
the pages we want to create for F-10 GA?
It concerns the following pages (see sitemap) (need a wireframe):
- Home[2]
- Browse
- Search
- Spin Details
- Download
- View Kickstart
- Spins Guide
- What this?
- Howto use
- Howto burn
- Howto USB
- Howto Create
`- Submit Review
And I would like to gather some volunteers from the Spins SIG as well as
the Art and Websites team so we can make this into something really
really cool. If you would like to take on one or two or more of these
wireframes, please let me know so we can keep track of who does what and
save ourselves from doing duplicates.
Thanks in advance,
Jeroen van Meeuwen
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites/Spins/SiteMap
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites/Spins/Wireframes
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites/Spins/Mockups
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