Re: Using Fedora Hosted Space for Art Team?

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Martin Sourada wrote:
we've briefly discussed with Mo on the irc, that it might be worth
setting up a instance for the Fedora Art Team. Primary
purpose would be to host our release graphics, but it could serve other
purposes as well (e.g. using ticket system for design service come to my
It is about released graphics, like a history and a place where one can 
find the graphics from previous releases *or* a place where to upload 
proposals and work-in progress for the next release?
If we are using only the wiki from there (Trac), what is the advantage 
over using the main wiki?
The disadvantage would be poorer discoverability and a need to know a 
second wiki syntax.
Do you propose using the ticket system for things like the DesignService 
What do you think about it? Is it worth setting up? What do you think
would be good to use it for? Ideas? Comments?...? ;-)
I am strongly against something which would raise the barrier to entry, 
so a NO-NO would be to require git to upload sketches (proposals) for 
the upcoming release.
Here is another scenario: we have something like a poster or T-shirt 
design and upload it to fedorahosted. If someone want to include it in a 
marketing page from the main Fedora wiki, what is he supposed to do?
- duplicate the image to fp.o/wiki
- hotlink the image
- do not inlcude the image, only a link to it

nicu :: ::
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