Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Máirín Duffy wrote:
Jeff Spaleta wrote:
On Jan 22, 2008 9:02 AM, Máirín Duffy <duffy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Is Fedora TV only for video?
It's what I care about...but i think its for images as well. Just
depends on what's actually working :->
The reason I ask is that this group in particular has been in great
need of a better solution for sharing images and their sources other
than our wiki which is slow and unreliable. Is there somewhere I can
go to find out more about it?
Greg Dek
Fedora-art-list mailing list
FedoraTV is working for images - I'm trying to keep that as I think it's
pretty important. I've uploaded a couple so far as tests. It's also
supporting audio - I think that's just as important, but I realize that
video will be the main reason for it existing. Máirín, I would recommend
contacting Greg if you want a run-down of how we're going to announce it
on a larger scale - I know he's working on an RSS feed right now and
we're hoping to throw that around to get more exposure.
I'm sure there will be a lot more talk very soon.
Colby A. Hoke
Corporate Marketing
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