Martin Sourada wrote:
On Thu, 2007-08-23 at 23:02 +0200, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Martin Sourada wrote:
Yes, I noticed that also. It looks a little unpolished. Dunno whom to
address about it though... I think it's a rhgb bug (or a feature?), I've
been noticing it since the first Fedora I used (FC3) and we've changed
the theme several times since then.
File a bug report against RHGB. I don't think it is theme related.
Doing a routine search first for existing bugs in rhgb I've found a one
[1] that looks pretty much like the issue we discuss here. But I want to
be sure that it's the same issue before reopening it, so if anyone can
check it (as I am a little in doubts about it), it would be
appreciated :)
Yep. Reopen.
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