A few quick thoughts after using Nodoka for a few days:
[ Echo Icon Theme ]
Still not complete enough to use full-time. I'm not a fan of the visual
style, but I'll reserve judgment until I can use a completed icon theme.
Using Gion, Tango, or one of the Gnome defaults looks fine for now (Mist).
[ Metacity Theme ]
I like the narrow window borders, but the top-left window controls and
the boxes they sit it appear simplistic (not the good kind of simple).
Back to Gilouche for now.
[ Gtk Theme ]
This is quite promising. Buttons and other controls look great. I find
the overall style to be too heavily gray. I prefer the soft beige tone
of MurrinaGilouche [1].
The arrows on flydown menus and scrollbars seem a bit large and could
use a bit more padding - perhaps a full/solid triangle shape might look
better than the bracket-look <> ?
Steven Garrity
[1] http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/44510-1.png
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